Musicians - Artists - Bands in Lagos
Thursday, 9 March 2017 | |||
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Do want to purchase the ybnl nation entertament all you need to do just contact the ybnl nation…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Do you want to purchase the ybnl record lable and you are a good artist all you need just call the…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Wednesday, 8 March 2017 | |||
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Purchase the ybnl nation entertament.and get the plat form quickly all you need too do just contact…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Are you looking for how to join the ybnl entertament and you dont no how to join all you need to do…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Monday, 27 February 2017 | |||
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Wow what an great opportunity are looking for are too join the YBNL nation entertainment all you…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Thursday, 23 February 2017 | |||
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Wow are you looking for how too join and purchase the YBNL nation all you need to do just contact…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Wow I can I join the YBNL nation entertainment and you are see looking for an opportunity too join…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Wednesday, 22 February 2017 | |||
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Wow how can I purchase the YBNL nation entertainment and you are see looking for all you need to do…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Wow are you looking for how to purchase YBNL nation all you need to do just contact the manager.of…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Wow do you really want too purchase the YBNL nation all you need to do to get your platform just…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Friday, 17 February 2017 | |||
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Do you want to purchase the plat form of ybnl entertaiment.and you are see looking for how too join…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Do you want to purchase the plat form of ybnl entertaiment.and you are see looking for how too join…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Upcoming artist urgently needed
Opportunity comes but once, we here to help those who has the talent of becoming a music superstar…
406 Empire Entertainment
Are you an upcoming artist, had a big vision of becoming a superstar, here is an opportunity for…
Monday, 13 February 2017 | |||
Ybnl nation
…is looking for the best artist who can perform and win this competition by raping and singing.we…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
All you ned to do just cotact the ybnl management to get your platform and get more information and…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Sunday, 12 February 2017 | |||
Yagi record label
Wow what a great opportunity are you looking for entrance of Yagi lil kesh just gave you an…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Yagi record label
Wow what a great opportunity are you looking for entrance of Yagi lil kesh just gave you an…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Purchase the plat form of ybnl entertainment
…are you looking for a way you can sing with lil kesh, adekunle gold, chicohekun, viktoh, and…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Get the plat form of ybnl entertainment
Are you talented in music and you no how to sing verywere, this is your great opportunity, you can…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Hurry now to purchase the plat form of the ybnl entertainment, are you talented contact us now via…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Ybnl nation
How can I join the ybnl record rabel, this is it hurry now to purchase the form, contact us now via…
Lagos › Lagos Island
How can i join the ybnl entertainment
Are you an artist with that is talented, you are looking for a record rabel to sign and do business…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Ybnl nation
Are you looking for a recordlabel to sin you.if you are talented in raping or singing you can join…
Lagos › Lagos Island
Saturday, 11 February 2017 | |||
Ybnl nation
Wow wow wow what a great opportunity olamide give you an opportunity as an good artist if you no…
Lagos › Ikeja
Wednesday, 8 February 2017 | |||
YBNI audition from is available if you want to become a member call 08123414323
How you looking for YBNI audition from is available call YBNL manager via-08123414323
Lagos › Agege
i want to be a member of YBNI record label. to become famous and rich
Yellow! How you upcoming artists want good talent.YBNI record label audition from is available for…
Lagos › Lagos Mainland
how can i to YBNI manager
You are an upcoming artists that want to join YBNI record label by olamide. If you want to join…
Lagos › Lagos Island
i want to become rich and famous get the YBNI audition from now
How you trying or thinking how to become a member of YBNI call Via-08123414323
Lagos › Oshodi-Isolo
How can I join YBNI get the audition from is available
Join YBNI record label by olamide.YBNI audition from is now available call YBNI manager…
Lagos › Lagos Island